Sports massage is used for the treatment and management of musculoskeletal injuries by many professionals including sports rehabilitators, physiotherapists and sports therapists. It is very popular with a wide range of people from professional athletes through to individuals with active jobs as part of preparation, recovery and maintenance from sport and physical activity.
Massage involves the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues of the human body to reduce tension, flush out toxins and promote balance in the body and mind.
There are a wide range of benefits including:
- Improved circulation.
- Improvement in joint mobility and flexibility.
- The breakdown of scar tissue.
- Reduction of oedema (swelling).
- Stimulates nervous system through activation of receptors, which is beneficial for reducing pain.
- Pain relief from muscle soreness.
- Increased relaxation, which improves sleep and recovery.
- Helps with the removal of toxins.
The clinic's opening times are Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm and Saturdays 9am-12pm. We are available for appointments during these times with pre booking. If you have any problems / conditions that may affect you having massage, please include this when booking your appointment as we may ask you to provide a letter from a doctor.